150716 Sooyoung with a Friend
다시 활동시작해서 넘 바쁜 울 셩이. 그래두 시간쪼개서 잠깐잠깐 이렇게라도 보니 넘 좋구나이잉👭 늘 씩씩하고 맑고 이쁜 이 자슥 ㅡ 가끔은 나보다 더 언니같은 멘탈초갑 최셩 ㅡ u r a true beauty inside and out😘 울 각자의 자리에서 늘 홧팅👍🏻 #동생사랑평생사랑 #씩씩한언니가되장 #소녀시대파티홧팅 #최수영은사랑입니다 #gosooyoung #snsdparty #gg #lovablesis
Our Syoungie who's very busy since she started promoting again. But finding time and seeing each other like this even just for a short time is so nice👭 This kid who's always energetic, pure, and pretty ㅡ Mentally strong(?) Choi Syoung who is like an unnie more than me sometimes ㅡ u r a true beauty inside and out😘 Always fighting in our own places👍🏻 #dongsaengloveforeverlove #beanenergeticunnie #GirlsGenerationPartyfighting #ChoiSooyoungislove #gosooyoung #snsdparty #gg #lovablesis
Source: doublejungjy on instagram
Trans: soshistagramtrans
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