
[PHOTO] 150730 Yuri's Instagram Update

150730 Yuri's YULstagram Update

오늘도 유리유리한 유리한 물 . 만드는 법에 대해 궁금해하시는 분 들이 많으셔서.. ^^ 전 탄산수(모든 탄산수는 다 좋아요 )500ml+레몬1개 덜도말고 더도말고 하루 딱 한병만 마셔요 #유리한물 #꿀피부되기 #탄산수 #레몬 #채널소녀시대 @onstyletv

Yuri-Yuri, beneficial water today too . Because there were a lot of people curious about how to make it.. ^^ I only drink just one 500ml bottle of carbonated water(all carbonated water are fine ) + 1 lemon a day, no more, no less #Yuriwater (or #beneficialwater) #tohaveahoneyskin #carbonatedwater #lemon #ChannelGirlsGeneration @onstyletv

Source: yulyulk on instagram
Trans: soshistagramtrans

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