
[PHOTOS] 150515 Tiffany with Lee Cheol Woo

150515 Tiffany with Lee Cheol Woo

다음주 목요일에 발행되는 #퍼스트룩 90호 커버의 주인공!
#티파니 와 모델 #이철우 가 퍼스트룩 독자들만을 위한 셀카투척!💕 사이좋은 투샷 #선남선녀 🙈
#mnet #하트어택 #heart_a_tag #Tiffany #셀카 #셀스타그램 #selfie #1stlook

The protagonists of #1stLook 90th issue cover that will be released next week Thursday!
#Tiffany and model #LeeCheolwoo throwing in a selca only for 1st Look readers!💕 Two-shot of #goodmanandwoman with good relations 🙈
#mnet #Heart_a_Tag #heart_a_tag #Tiffany #selca #selstagram #selfie #1stlook

#티파니 와 모델 #이철우 가 퍼스트룩 독자들만을 위한 셀카투척 2탄💕 다음주 목요일 #퍼스트룩 을 기대해주세요🙆
#mnet #하트어택 #heart_a_tag #Tiffany #셀카 #셀스타그램 #selfie #1stlook

#Tiffany and model #LeeCheolwoo throwing in a selca only for 1st Look readers part 2💕 Please look forward to #1stLook next week Thursday🙆
#mnet #Heart_a_Tag #heart_a_tag #Tiffany #selca #selstagram #selfie #1stlook

Source: 1stlookmag on instagram

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