
[PHOTO] 230323 Yoona for BB Lab

230323 Yoona for BB Lab 3/23/2023

BB LAB Yoona’s Pick Signatue Collagen Line 
πŸŒ™πŸŒœCollagen for Relax

βœ… Contains GABA(10mg) + Magnesium (50mg) for your better sleep and relaxation
βœ… Contains 1,200mg of low-molecular collagen (high absorption rate)
βœ… Contains 30mg of vitamin C for antioxidant effect
βœ… One stick a day with sweet and sour tartcherry flavor

πŸŒ™ What is GABA and its benefits?
βœ”GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid) is a neurotransmitter, a chemical messenger in your brain.

#nutrione #bblab #dailycollagen #lowmolecularcollagen #koreacollagen #ampoulecollagen #highcontentcollagen #snsd #yoona #innerbeauty #collagen #relaxcollagen #antioxidation #tartcherrycollagen

Source: bblab_global 

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