
[PHOTO] 150312 Sooyoung with Park Seung Il

150312 Sooyoung with Park Seung Il 

#소녀시대수영 #박승일

얼마나 바쁠텐데 고맙게도.. 소녀시대 수영과 승일이와의 오랜 인연은 그냥 인연으로만 있기에 수영이 너무 인기가 많다. 자꾸 부탁할 일이 생기는걸보면.. 그래도 잊지않고 찾아와주고 너무 오래 못 올라치면 미안하다 문자도 주고.. 이번 승일이집 방문은 내가 부탁한거였다.

20일에 있을 사랑의 리퀘스트와 연말 SBS 한밤의 TV연예 프로그램 인터뷰를 청했다.

흔쾌이 스케쥴 맞춰 방문해 주었는데 방송 때문에 이것저것 신경쓰이게 하고는 난 되려 다른 일로 함께 못했다..미안미안.. 저녁에 승일이에게서 수영과 찍은 폴라로이드 사진을 전해받았다.

늘 응원의 메시지를 담아 벽에 걸어놓는데..하나 추가되었다.

승일이를 응원하고 루게릭요양병원을 응원하고 참 고마운 수영씨.. 내년에도 더 멋지게 비상하리라..
왜냐하면 마음밭이 좋은 사람이니까..

#GirlsGenerationSooyoung #ParkSeungil

She's probably so busy, but I'm thankful.. The long relation of Girls' Generation's Sooyoung and Seungil is only through fate while Sooyoung is just so famous. When we look at the favors we kept asking.. Nevertheless, she doesn't forget, comes to see us and if she can't come for a very long time, she sends an apology message.. Her visit to Seungil's house this time was my request.

I requested the love request on the 20th and the SBS One Night of TV Entertainment year-end program interview.

I adjusted my pleasant schedule with the visit but because of the broadcast, I was concerned with this and that which made me do other things and couldn't do it together..Sorry sorry.. The polaroid picture taken with Sooyoung was handed down to me in the evening from Seungil.

Messages of always supporting are posted on the wall but.. one more added.

Sooyoung who supports Seungil and Lou Gehrig's Recuperation Hospital and whom we are very thankful to.. She will be remarkable in a cooler way next year too..
That's because she's a good person at heart..
Picture: 2014 was also a happy year with oppa

Hoping for only good things in 2015 as well

Source: yes802 on instagram
Trans: soshistagramtrans

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